Thursday, October 27, 2016


Today as I was going through my facebook feed, I came across something which made every hair on my body stand aloof! The saliva in my mouth dried up! Apparently, there is a man who is on a mission to infect unsuspecting ladies with HIV/AIDS! His main target is married women, so that they can pass the now "not dreadful disease" to their husbands! He is on a revenge mission, because he unknowingly was also infected, so he claims!

Why does this scare me a lot? Today I attended the launch of the Global AIDS Progress Update Report 2016 and though the findings are not bad, one particular thing scares me! The AIDS prevalence among the youth aged between 15-24 years is high at 51%! Girls hold a bigger percentage as compared to boys! The young generation is at risk! The rate at which girls and boys are engaging in sex is alarming!

Growing up, our parents and Sunday school teachers made us understand that sex was a thing for the adults. Adults to mean, the married or those old enough to date, and not just dating, but dating for marriage! These days, even fifteen year olds are referred to as adults because they are engaging in stuff those older than them by 10 years haven't experienced yet!

Okay! Our parents and Sunday school teachers educated us! Some took them seriously and some didn't but bottom line is, they played their part! As they say, behavior is linked to upbringing from childhood. Question now is: are the current generation parents and teachers sleeping on their job? Or have the boys and girls become so smart for them? It is the internet generation and girls and boys have access to it, but what of those in the remote areas who cannot even afford the cheapest earphones yet they are in this bracket of being infected?

When Aids reached Africa, songs were composed that when listened to, they scared the hell out of people and they somehow focussed on living responsibly. Despite the fact that musicians have neglected the Aids subject, the youngsters seem to have become ignorant. These days, girls fear pregnancy more than Aids! They would rather indulge without protection and take pills to prevent pregnancy. They are not scared of infections. In fact some start family planning as young as 17! I thought family planning was meant for the married women? Why are kids rushing things?

Now here is the scarier bit! Schools have closed and those that haven't closed will close soon! The holiday will be long! Two months and counting! Girls and boys will be roaming the village and cities! The explorers and gullible one will be lured into lifetime traps! Some which will shorten their lives and some which will lead them into the family way at a tender age! Sad!

So, what about this AIDS subject was revived again? What about it was made a matter, of National disaster? What about parents  talked about this issue to the young ones every day? What about teachers stressed on this subject? What about social media forums diveated from politics and the likes and made this AIDS issue a matter of national concern? What about musicians composed the modern day songs with the aids subject enscribed inside? What about the young ones watched those very scary  videos that were showed to us when the aids state was so bad?  What about Writers, wrote, wrote, and wrote about this subject? What about? 

The young ones have to know that these days thanks to ARVS, the infected ones are healthier than those free of the virus. It is therefore not  like in the past when the infected ones were identified by ematiated bodies,  thining hair, a persistent cough, and boils on the body. They therefore have to be careful. If they can't abstain, let them stick to protection! 

We need this young generation alive and strong because they are the future. So, let's be responsible for them. Let's protect them from traps of those on a revenge mission! Let's Stop using phrases like,"wametushinda!" Let's not wait for the world to teach them a lesson! My nephew is turning 15 and we are  leaving nothing unturned to ensure he leads a responsible life. Though difficult, let's keep trying!

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